
Sunday, April 20, 2014


Tandoor is a North India restaurant located near Woodlands, M. G. Road, Kochi

The interiors are decorated elegantly with portrait of Bollywood film actors placed on the walls.

The restaurant is moderately priced, can accommodate at least 60 people easily and is a perfect eatery for family and friends. Parking facilities are also available near the restaurant.

Phone: 0484 2354938

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Paradesi Synagogue

Paradesi Synagogue was built in the year 1568, and it is the oldest active synagogue in the Commonwealth of Nations.  It was preceded by an earlier one at Kochangai, built in 1344, which has since disappeared. The present building was destroyed by shelling during a Portuguese raid in 1662 and rebuilt two years later when the Dutch took over Cochin.

It’s an interesting little place with hand painted, willo-pattern floor tiles (no two alike) brought from Canton, China, in the mid-18th Century by Ezekial Rahabi who had trading interest in that city. He was also responsible for the erection of the clock tower which surmounts the building.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Bastion Bungalow

Bastion Bungalow is located at River Road in Fort Kochi. It was build in Indo-European style in 1667 and gets its name from its location on the site of the Stromberg Bastion of the old Dutch fort.

The building blends beautifully into the circular structure of the bastion, has a tiled roof and a typical first floor verandah in wood along its front portion

After Independence, it was turned into the residence of sub-divisional officers and in 2000 was handed over to the archaeology department. In between, it came into the limelight when it was part of the Ivory Merchant film ‘Cotton Mary’

It is located at the end of Church Road in Fort Kochi and it has been declared a protected monument by the State Archaeology Department.. Though it has been said that a network of secret tunnels runs beneath the bungalow, none have been found.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Jew Street

Jew street in Mattancherry has numerous antique and craft stores. The antique sellers of these streets are the descendants of a fast dwindling population of Jews who settled down here in AD 52.

Scores of small firms huddle together in old, dilapidated buildings and the air is filled with the pungent aromas of cardamom, cumin, turmeric, ginger and cloves. Many Jewish names are visible on business premises and houses, but the community has diminished rapidly since Indian independence. The Jew Street is lined with shops that sell curios, antique pieces of crockery, carved wooden furniture, bronze and brass sculptures, remnants of traditional houses, and jewellery.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Indo Portuguese Museum

Indo Portuguese Museum is located inside the compound of the Bishop’s House at Fort Kochi. The museum is the outcome of the untiring efforts of the late Dr. Joseph Kureethra, Bishop of Kochi.

The museum is divided into five main sections:  Altar, Treasure, Procession, Civil Life and Cathedral.

The museum showcases the Portuguese influences on Fort Kochi and the surrounding areas, especially, the western parts of Kochi.

The museum has some outstanding collections and these include a piece of the altar made in teak wood (16th century) from the Church of Our Lady of Hope, Vypeen, Fort Kochi, Processional cross, which is a combination of silver and wood (17th century) from Santa Cruz Cathedral, Fort Kochi, Indo-Portuguese Monstrance (18-19th century), from The Church of Our Lady of Hope, Vypeen and a chasuble (19th century) from Bishop's House.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has also contributed to the collection at the Indo-Portuguese Museum. Entry is free on 1st Thursday of every month.

Visiting Hours: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (closed on Mondays and all Public Holidays)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fort Kochi Beach

Fort Kochi Beach is regarded as one of the most beautiful beaches in Kerala. The Chinese fishing nets are one of the main attractions along the beach

It is an ideal picnic spot for people, who come here either alone or in groups. The sea food, the Vasco da Gama Square adjacent to the beach, a light house and a granite walkway are some of the other attractions. It offers a great view of the Kochi LNG Terminal and Vallarpadam Container Terminal.  The beach also gives a great view of the sunset.

The remains of the Fort Immanuel can be seen at the western side of the beach. A section of the beach is not accessible to visitors as it is under the control of the Indian Navy.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

David Hall

David Hall is a Dutch bungalow built around 1695 by the Dutch East India Company, located on the north side of Parade Ground in Fort Kochi. It is believed that during the Dutch occupation it was used to accommodate military personnel.

It was the residence of the renowned Dutch governor, Hendrick Adrian Van Rheede tot Drakestein. However, the building gets its name from a later occupant, a Jewish businessman called David Koder. Since 2007 the building has been leased by CNO India to CGH Earth, an ecologically conscious hotel group.

The typical Dutch architecture is visible on all elements. The three-foot wide walls and the four-column windows are some of the characteristics of the building.

David Hall is closed on Monday.

Phone: +91 484 2218289

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kashi Art Café

Kashi Art Café is an Old Dutch house located at Burgher Street in Fort Kochi. It was opened in 1997. Anoop Scaria and Dorrie Younger are the former owners of the café.

It has grown into a hub where artists showed their works and had heated discussions over coffee. Railway sleepers and pebbles decorate the floor in one area while you have iron tables and chairs, as also wooden chairs, some cast iron and even granite tables.

In 2012 Edgar Pinto took ownership and worked with restoration architect Karl Damschen and designer Marc Delrome, to renovate the property whilst keeping heritage status intact, including the menu.

It is opened from 08:30 AM to 07:30 PM all days.

Phone: 0484 2215769

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mattancherry Dutch Palace

Mattancherry Dutch Palace is a Portuguese palace built in 1557 and presented to the Cochin Raja, Veera Kerala Varma, as a gesture of good will. It was substantially renovated by the Dutch after 1663, and thereafter it was popularly called ‘Dutch’ Palace. The rajas also made more improvements to it.

The palace with a Bhagavathi Temple in the central courtyard is built like the typical Kerala style mansion - the Nalukettu. There are two more temples dedicated to Lord Krishna and Shiva.

The most important aspect of this palace is the astonishing murals in the royal bed chamber, which depict scenes from Ramayana, a second set of wall paintings were executed in the staircase room depicting various deities.  The life-size portraits of the kings of Cochin from 1864 onwards are displayed in a long hall originally served as coronation hall.

The palace represents the blending of the European and indigenous styles of architecture. Also on display are royal paraphernalia like weapons, swings and furniture which offer a glimpse of the lifestyle of the royal family.

Visiting Hours: 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM on all days except Friday’s

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Teapot café

Teapot café is a small European styled café, located at Peter Celli Street, Fort Kochi

The interior of the café are beautifully decorated and has teapots, kettles and tea accessories collected by the owners.

The menu is indeed simple and classical continental European styled. Teapot café also serves other tasty Indian and European snacks at very reasonable prices.

It’s open from 08:30 AM to 09:30 PM. Price Range from Rs. 20 to Rs 200.

Phone: 0484 2218035

Sunday, February 9, 2014

St. Francis Church

St. Francis CSI Church is the oldest European Church in India.

Vasco da Gama, discovered the sea route from Europe to India in the year 1948. He was followed by Pedro Álvares Cabral and Afonso de Albuquerque and the Raja of Cochin permitted them to engage in trade. They built a fort at and within the fort, they built a church with a wooden structure, which was dedicated to St. Bartholomew.

Francisco de Almeida, the Portuguese viceroy, was allowed, in 1506, by the Raja of Cochin to reconstruct wooden buildings in stone and masonry. The wooden church was rebuilt, presumably by the Franciscan friars, with bricks and mortar and a tiled roof was erected. The new church was completed in 1516 and dedicated to St. Antony.

Towards the end of 1524 Vasco Da Gama returned to Cochin where he died on the Christmas eve of that year and was buried in this Church. Fourteen years later, his remains were shipped to Portugal and deposited at Vidigveria where they remained until 1872 when they were removed to the monastery of Jeronimos in Lisbon, its present abode.

Later the church witnessed various European invasions and during the Dutch invasion of Kochi in 1663. The Dutch reconditioned it and converted it into a government church.

In 1804, the Dutch surrendered the church to the Anglican Church following the British invasion of Kochi in 1795.  The church was renamed and renovated in 1886. The Church of South India (CSI) took over the administration and management of the church in 1949.

The Clock on this Church was erected in the year 1923 in memory of Hal Harrison Jones, a former Managing Director of Aspinwall & Company. There also stands a cenotaph in the middle of the lawn and it was built in 1920 in remembrance of the Kochilites who laid down their lives in World War I.

An old Dutch baptism and marriage register (1751 to 1804), the Doop Book, is preserved in the church. Records say that the register was maintained by a Predikant Cornelies. Many Dutch citizens visit the church to try and trace their family roots from the register. The church also has a British register.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

VOC Gate and Parade Ground

Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (literally "United East Indian Company”) Gate is a large wooden gate facing the Parade Ground located in Fort Kochi.  Built in 1749 by the Dutch East India Company, the gate carries a monogram VOC. The Dutch Mint was located here. The Dutch East India Company was the first multinational corporation in the world and the first company to issue stock.

The Parade Ground was used by the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British colonists to conduct their military parades and drills. The buildings around the Parade Ground served as their defence establishments. After Independence, Parade Ground, earlier Barraca Maidan or the barracks ground, became a sporting arena and regularly hosted cricket and football matches. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica

Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica (one of the eight Basilica in India) is located at Fort Kochi. This basilica serves as the Cathedral church of the Diocese of Cochin, the second oldest Diocese of India.

The history of the basilica dates back to the 16th century with the arrival of Portuguese missionaries along with the second Portuguese fleet under Pedro Álvares Cabral on 24 December 1500. The Cochin King Godha Varma I received them very warmly. This caused the Zamorin of Calicut to declare war against Cochin. The Portuguese army under Commander Dom Afonso de Albuquerque who reached Cochin in 1503 defeated the enemies of the King of Cochin and in return the king gave them permission to build a fort in Cochin.

The foundation stone was laid on 3 May, 1505, the feast day of the 'Invention of the Holy Cross', hence the church was named Santa Cruz.

In 1958, Pope Paul IV, raised the Santa Cruz Church to the status of a Cathedral along with the erection of the second diocese in India - Diocese of Cochin. The Dutch who conquered Cochin in 1663, made the Cathedral their arms storehouse. Later it fell in the hands of the British who demolished it

The present day structure was consecrated on 19 November 1905 by Bishop Dom Sebastião José Pereira. In 23 August 1984, Pope John Paul II through a special Decree "Constat Sane Templum Sanctae Cruci" raised the status of Santa Cruz Cathedral to Basilica for its antiquity, artistic dignity and historical importance.

The church has two lofty spires and a remarkably bright, white-washed exterior. The interior of the church has Gothic style architecture with its overwhelming arches and the main altar was decorated by the famous Italian painter Fr Antonio Moscheni, S.J., and his disciple De Gama of Mangalore. The seven large canvas paintings including a beautiful reproduction of the 'Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci are a real feast for the eyes. The ceilings of the church are adorned with paintings that depict scenes from the Via Crucis of Christ. The beautiful stained glass windows are another attraction

Tourist Visiting Hours: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM (from Tuesday to Saturday), 10:30 AM to 01:00 PM (Sunday)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Kayees Hotel

The mark of a good restaurant is not necessarily its size, but the quality of its food and the generosity of its staff. The location of the diner makes it appear more promising. The owners were wise in this regard, having selected a spot near which there are places where family more often likely to visit one is Subash Chandra Bose Park and Durbar Hall Ground, both the places are in the vicinity of this place.

Furthermore, the building stands on its own instead of being wedged between other store fronts. The hotel has two sections one with A/C and other is non-A/C both clean and tidy. The interior is very spacious and well furnished to accommodate maximum number of customers and with a troop of waiters they won’t keep you waiting making your dining experience more comfortable.

With songs played inside the atmosphere is perfect for having a meal with family and friends. The menu is small but talks volumes about the variety provided in veg and non-veg especially in sea food.

The shop remains open from 11:30 AM to 10:00 PM. The time during which we saw a huge rush in the hotel was between 1 and 2 in the noon. With Biryani their speciality, it is sure to make you appetizing.

As of now no home delivery is provided by the hotel management but customers can place an order before and your food be packed so you can take it home. There’s no doubt a table at Kayees will quickly become the hottest reservation in town.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Korter Place de Glance

Korter Place de Glance is a premium ice-cream outlet selling the Uncle John brand located near Durbar Hall ground.

Korter offers 29 ice-cream flavours and 18 ice-cream varieties with many toppings including sauces, creams, fruits and nuts. The ice cream is very good and makes a delicious after-dinner dessert. The outlet has a relaxing atmosphere with comfortable seating. One must try the Kafchoc almond flavour – a mix of slightly dark chocolate and almonds .

They also have an outlet at Subash Bose Road, and at Jawahar Nagar.

It is opened from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Milano Ice Cream 100% Fresh Italian Gelato

Milano is an ice cream parlor that offers Italian Gelato. It is located at M. G. Road near Ravipuram.

The Gelato’s are served in the shop in Cones or Cups (small, medium, large). You can flavour your ice cream by having whipped cream or chocolate cover at an extra charge of Rs 20. Adding to its name delicious Ice Cream Cakes are also available at Rs 700 per kg. 

Must try: Affogato al Caffè (vanilla gelato with espresso and whip cream) and Spagnola (vanilla gelato with amarena cherrys and whip cream) 

With out hitting hard on your pocket getting it provides Italian gelato with the essence of freshness . It is opened from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM . Milano is owned by Mr. Giancario Segalini.  

Phone No: 0484 3911137