
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Kashi Art Café

Kashi Art Café is an Old Dutch house located at Burgher Street in Fort Kochi. It was opened in 1997. Anoop Scaria and Dorrie Younger are the former owners of the café.

It has grown into a hub where artists showed their works and had heated discussions over coffee. Railway sleepers and pebbles decorate the floor in one area while you have iron tables and chairs, as also wooden chairs, some cast iron and even granite tables.

In 2012 Edgar Pinto took ownership and worked with restoration architect Karl Damschen and designer Marc Delrome, to renovate the property whilst keeping heritage status intact, including the menu.

It is opened from 08:30 AM to 07:30 PM all days.

Phone: 0484 2215769

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